Performance 日历



Cellist Peckham快乐 is a dedicated performing artist and longtime educator who has developed a host of accomplished performers.

As a founding member of the Cavani 弦乐四重奏 (a position she held for more than three deacades), Peckham performed thousands of concerts in the U.S. 和国外. Among the honors she has received are a Naumburg 室内乐 Award, 美国音乐’s Young Artists of the Year Award, and the ASCAP-室内乐 America Award for adventurous programming of contemporary music. Peckham won the overall string category as well as the cello division of the National Federation of 音乐 Clubs Competition.

Peckham is chair of chamber music at the New England Conservatory of 音乐, associate director for the Perlman 音乐 Program, and director of the Perlman program’s 室内乐 Workshop. Formerly coordinator of string chamber music at the Oberlin Conservatory of 音乐 and faculty member at the Cleveland Institute of 音乐 (2005-17), she also served as the cellist of the Elysian 钢琴 Trio. From 2004 to 2016, she hosted the FM radio show 弱拍的.

She received her Bachelor of 音乐 from Indiana University and her 音乐硕士 from the Eastman School of 音乐. She pursued additional studies at Yale and Ohio State. Peckham’s teachers and mentors include János Starker, Aldo Parisot (Juilliard faculty 1988-2003), 加里·霍夫曼, 保罗·卡茨, 彼得Salaff, and Toby Perlman (BS ’65, 小提琴).